Latinx Votes

Dedicated to covering and assessing media stories and research on Latinx voters

Click on the icons to see the outlets' articles and stories on Latinx voters.

ABC Network news coverage of Latinx voters has been below average. For the most part, coverage is limited to presidential elections. C-.

CBS Network news coverage of Latinx voters has also lagged and has been inconsistent in its depth. For example, one of the few stories in 2020 was on Ricky Martin. D-.

CNN Network news coverage of Latinx voters is mixed. Some of the coverage mentions Latinx voters but often only in brief mentions within stories. C+.

BBC News coverage of Latinx voters is scarce and one of the worse of all news sites. F.

The Economist coverage of Latinx voters is the worst among all outlets included here. It has had two features on Latinx Voters. F.

Fox News coverage of Latinx voters is often centered on criticisms of individuals (such as former President Obama and actor, John Leguizamo) rather than on Latinx voters and on their influence. D.

The Los Angeles Times provides relatively balanced coverage of Latinx voters and provides stories with multiple angles. B.

The New Yorker's coverage has featured articles on Latinx voting in Wisconsin, Florida, and Texas and has provided a balance at times. B.

Of all the major networks, NBC provides the strongest coverage of Latinx voters. It also provides a wide range of topics. B+

AlthoughThe New York Times coverage of Latinx voters is well-researched and at times in-depth, it could provide more articles. B.

Many of NPR's stories focus on human interest, but their coverage and podcasts are solid. B.

PBS coverage of Latinx voters is disappointing as it offers little that could be considered unique or noteworthy. C.

Time coverage of Latinx voters is often well-researched and recognizes the power of Latinx voters. B-.

USA Today coverage of Latinx voters is at times rudimentary, but it also covers serious topics such as Latinx voter suppression. B-.

The Washington Post coverage of Latinx voters earns it the highest mark among all outlets in this site. A-.

Make sure your voice is heard

Pew Research on Latinx Voters

Sofia Gonzalez, Founder and Editor

Someone Struggled for your right to vote. Use it.

Susan B. Anthony